Nurse Practitioners
Bring your experience as a Nurse Practitioner to Fraser Health
We have nurse practitioners (NPs) practicing in various jobs within our region for the Patient Assessment and Transition to Home (PATH) and Mental Health and Substance Use (MHSU) and community programs.
Are you currently a Fraser Health employee? Browse and apply for jobs on the internal job portal.
Learn about our NP team
Nurse Practitioners also practice in specialty clinics such as the South Asian Health Centre, Maxxine Wright Community Health Centre, Stó:lo Primary Care Clinic, and Kla-How-Eya Healing Place, which provides Primary Health care to the Aboriginal community. Fraser Health’s well-established Nurse Practitioner Community of Practice provides Nurse Practitioners with an opportunity to meet regularly with your colleagues and other health care leaders.
Nurse Practitioners at Fraser Health have well-established Nurse Practitioner Community of Practices and the opportunity to meet regularly with colleagues and on an ad hoc basis with other leaders in other health care fields. Here you will find a place to apply your clinical knowledge and passion for providing quality, compassionate care to motivate and inspire others and be part of a dynamic team that will shape an environment for clinical and service excellence.
The clinical knowledge and passion of this dynamic team create an environment of compassionate care and service excellence that contribute to the health and well-being of British Columbians. Our staff and medical staff are committed to patients, families, students and each other. This is a true community and a team environment that will provide you with all the elements you need for a fulfilling career.
New Graduates
Fraser Health offers a New Graduate Transition Program designed to help new graduates of their health program gain confidence, knowledge and competence as they become established in their new careers.
Nurse Practitioner Residency Program
Fraser Health is the first health authority offering a formal residency program for nurse practitioners.
Become part of Fraser Health’s new and exciting post-graduate nurse practitioner residency program. For up to six (6) months, you will receive in-depth in-house advanced training within a clinical area relevant to the position, improve your team collaboration, and develop a model of patient-centred care.
Consolidate your nurse practitioner education with a team helping to support your successful transition into independent practice.
During your residency, you’ll receive:
- Mentorship in multiple clinical areas
- Dedicated clinical supervision during clinical placements
- Protected time for self-directed learning relevant to your clinical practice
- Coaching from a consistent and experienced nurse practitioner throughout your residency
- Individualized support in transitioning to independent provider
Frequently Asked Questions
for nurse practitioners
Watch this video to see the Social Media Q&A panel featuring three Nurse Practitioners and one of our Client Partners in Talent Acquisition, where you’ll learn answers to some of our most frequently asked questions.
<span data-metadata=""><span data-buffer="">Ready to make a difference?
Fraser Health offers a variety of nursing roles across Fraser Health.
Interested in a career as a Nurse Practitioner?
Send us a message, and someone from our recruitment team will be in touch with you soon!
Nurse Practitioner
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