Taylor, RN, Perinatal | Staff Feature


Registered Nurse, Perinatal

Langley Memorial Hospital
Nurses> Perinatal
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Meet Taylor, a registered nurse working in pediatrics at Langley Memorial Hospital, where she provides care to a range of pediatric patients from only a few days up to 16 years old.

“Everyone at work is so welcoming and inclusive. The pediatricians are easy to talk with and value nurses opinions on patient health, and my coworkers are competent, easy to get along with and open to teaching/learning new things. I genuinely love everyone I work with, and that feels so special.”

Since joining Fraser Health in 2016, I feel more and more competent and capable in handling changing situations and approaching those involved on the health care team. On [my unit], you really have the opportunity to be autonomous with your practice and that has helped me to grow and gain confidence in all aspects of my nursing career. Our patient care coordinator goes above and beyond for the staff, recognizing their efforts with acknowledgement in emails, or a small token of appreciation, or just personally showing gratitude face-to-face. I feel like on pediatrics, I am able to give the nursing care I always envisioned once I graduated nursing. I have a fantastic work family who I can always lean on for whatever comes my way.”

If you’re considering a similar position or a role within Fraser Health, here’s some advice Taylor has to share, “give yourself grace while things are new and you are a starting out. Everyone can feel uncomfortable, uncertain and nervous at first. Pediatrics can be intimidating because it’s kids/babies, but they are way more resilient than you think! You’ll eventually feel comfortable, confident and capable and love working where you do.”

Outside of work, Taylor loves everything about nature in British Columbia! I love hiking, and there are so many fabulous hiking trails and mountains to climb in the area. We are so lucky to live in this beautiful region; people pay to travel here for this landscape and nature.”


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