Gemma, Physiotherapist | Staff Feature



Surrey Memorial Hospital
Health Science Professionals> Physiotherapy
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“First day at Surrey Memorial Hospital! Got my license!,” read a recent email from Gemma to our hiring team, a newly hired physiotherapist.

Gemma was hired after attending our recruitment presentation in Glasglow, Scotland last spring and shares her experience:

“I have just arrived from Glasgow, Scotland to join the Fraser Health family, which I am really excited about! When I attended the Glasgow Caledonian University presentation, I knew right away that I wanted to be a part of Fraser Health. Prior to this presentation and learning about these opportunities, I had never considered moving to the West of Canada as I have family elsewhere. I really felt that I would be well supported being an internationally educated physiotherapist and I wasn’t wrong. I have felt so welcome since day one and I look forward to the adventure ahead and being part of a great team making a positive difference.”

UPDATE: May 2021

Now, Gemma is all settled into her physiotherapist role and is celebrating National Physiotherapy month with her remarkable team at Surrey Memorial Hospital.

We wanted to hear what it’s been like for her so far, and what she considers her proudest moment since joining the Fraser Health family.

“It might seem small; however, receiving my first thank you card from a patient I was treating was quite significant to me. I felt humbled that the patient showed her gratitude for my efforts and had embraced the Scottish physiotherapist helping her.”

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