Mitsuyo, Health Career Access Program (HCAP) student | Staff Feature


Health Career Access Program (HCAP) student

General and Clinical Support> Health Career Access Program
this story

“I worked in the service and hospitality industry in many different countries for more than 30 years. I wanted a career change – I wanted to do something more meaningful,” shares Mitsuyo.

“When my parents got sick at different times, I wasn’t able to be there to care for them. And when my mother-in-law started receiving home support, I could see how they were making a huge difference for the better, in her life. So, I decided that it was my time to help and care for others, where I am able to be there for them.”

Mitsuyo is most looking forward to working as a friendly, efficient, and independent community health worker when she completes the HCAP program, who can bring a smile to her clients’ faces each and every day.

Consider the HCAP program – an entry point to employment in health care. Get your education and training paid for, get paid, and receive mentorship and on-the-job support while you grow into your new role as a community health worker or health care assistant.

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