Dr. Ashdin Tavaria, Geriatrician  | Staff Feature

Dr. Ashdin Tavaria


Peace Arch Hospital
Medical Staff> Geriatrician
this story

“White Rock is home to a large retirement population. As a Geriatrician in the community, an extremely rewarding part of my work is the appreciation we receive from our patients for the time we spend with them and the efforts we make to ensure they receive a high standard of care.

At Peace Arch Hospital, we have a supportive foundation, great colleagues, and a great inpatient team. We feel strongly supported by our partnerships with the nursing team, pharmacists, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, social workers, and support staff.

Peace Arch is a Centre of Excellence for Osteoporosis and I have thoroughly enjoyed participating in the monthly clinics at our site. After working here for the last 10 years, it has also been exciting to see the hospital respond to the ever-growing City of White Rock by expanding the Emergency Department and hospital services.

As a provincial leader for Physician Quality Improvement, I am proud to work in the Fraser Health region, and I appreciate the wonderful work environment and team at Peace Arch.

White Rock is also a wonderful family community. With so many programs and activities available, the city’s level of community engagement is excellent. My family and I really love it here!”

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