A lively community surrounded by majestic mountains and unspoiled beauty
Lying at the edge of the Fraser Valley on the banks of the Fraser and Coquihalla rivers, you’ll find the lively community of Hope surrounded by majestic mountains and unspoiled beauty. Only a short two-hour drive east of Vancouver’s city centre, Hope is an outdoor paradise with a variety of recreational opportunities and a vibrant culture that celebrates the arts and local artisans.

Hope resides on on the traditional, ancestral and unceded lands of the Stó:lō [staw-low] people, particularly the Chawathil (sha-wah-thul), Peters, Shxw’ow’hamel [shwa-ham-ul], Sq’ewá:lxw (Skawahlook) [skow-look] Union Bar and Yale First Nations. We are also on the unceded and traditional lands of the Nlaka’pamux [ing-khla-kap-muh] people, particularly the Boothroyd [booth-roid], Boston Bar and Spuzzum [spuz-zum] First Nations and is home of the Chilliwack Métis Association.
Area Facts
Hope is found at the meeting of the Fraser and Coquihalla rivers at the very eastern end of the Fraser Valley and southern end of the Fraser Canyon. Approximately 100-110 minutes (150 km) east of Vancouver’s city centre, and neighbouring the city of Chilliwack, Hope is found at the centre of two major highways merging, providing easy access to explore the Interior and Cariboo regions of British Columbia.
Hope is the easternmost community within the Fraser Health region.
A smaller rural town, Hope is home to nearly 6,200 residents.
Hope offers schooling for kindergarten through to grade 12, with post-secondary and higher education opportunities in nearby cities.
Hope is made up of several main industries, including accommodation and food services, health care, retail trade, and warehousing. Other industries include lifestyle manufacturing and services, and tourism, with nearly 36,000 commuters a day driving through during the busy summer months.
Financial incentives are here!
Rural and remote community signing bonus*
*Receive up to $20,000 as a signing bonus if you are a new and existing Fraser Health employee relocating to the community of Hope, B.C. Eligibility and conditions apply.
Things To Do
Well-known as the Chainsaw Carving Capital, you will find over 80 chainsaw carvings featuring the local wildlife throughout the town of Hope. The many activities and attractions to experience consist of hiking, birdwatching, golfing, canoeing and kayaking, mountain biking, off-roading, swimming, fishing, boating, water skiing, windsurfing, river rafting. Spend a weekend skiing or tubing with the family at Sasquatch Mountain Resort – a snow resort praised for having some of the top snowfall records – only one hour from Hope.
Visit Manning Park Ski Resort or Sasquatch Mountain Resort for some of the province’s best skiing in the winter, Bridal Falls Waterpark in the summer. Explore the nearby Othello Tunnels or Silver Lake Provincial Park as one of your favourite family outings.

Explore Our Region
Hope is found at the meeting of the Fraser and Coquihalla rivers at the very eastern end of the Fraser Valley and southern end of the Fraser Canyon. Approximately 100-110 minutes (150 km) east of Vancouver’s city centre.
Fraser Canyon Hospital
Fraser Canyon Hospital is a 10-bed community hospital, providing 24/7 emergency stabilization and care, general medicine, and ambulatory care services, supported by an integrated network of community-based programs and services, ranging from health promotion and prevention to residential and hospice care. Fraser Canyon Hospital is the local hospital for Hope and area residents are the primary users.
Providing services in a rural area, Fraser Canyon Hospital has an active emergency department and an effective emergency transport system for transfer of patients to Abbotsford Regional Hospital and Cancer Centre or Royal Columbian Hospital (Fraser Health’s trauma and cardiac centre in New Westminster) through BC Ambulance Services, by air and by road. In 2016/17, Fraser Canyon Hospital saw 10,161 emergency visits, treated 473 inpatient cases, and had 17,308 visits to ambulatory care.
We're proud of our teams.
See the latest news, stories and innovations in Hope and surrounding areas.
“Before living in Hope, I was really missing that small-town-community vibe.”
Cassandra, Registered Nurse, Fraser Canyon Hospital
Is rural nursing right for you?
Hear from Cassandra on why she chose a career at Fraser Canyon Hospital.
In this video, you’ll also learn about some of the incentives that you may be eligible for at Fraser Canyon Hospital, and get a feel for some of the supports and mentorship that will be available to you.
Student Loan Forgiveness Program
Hope is considered a rural/remote community under Canada’s Student Loan Forgiveness Program available through the Government of Canada.
If you practice as one of the medical professionals listed below in under-served rural or remote communities, such as Hope, you could be eligible for Canada Student Loan forgiveness through the Government of Canada:
- family doctor;
- family medicine resident in training with an accredited medical school in Canada;
- registered nurse;
- registered psychiatric nurse;
- registered practical nurse;
- licensed practical nurse; or
- nurse practitioner.
Nurses could receive up to $30,000 and Physicians up to $60,000 in Canada Student Loan forgiveness over a maximum of five years.
You may work for multiple employers during the 12-month period as long as you complete at least 400 hours total of in-person service in an under-served rural or remote community.
The Fraser Canyon Hospital Rural/Remote Incentive Grant is being offered to Registered Nurses (RNs) and Registered Psychiatric Nurses (RPNs) with a Provincial Student loan under the conditions below.
Fraser Canyon Hospital and Health Services Area offers a Grant incentive of $5,000 after one year of employment in a regular position and again upon completion of year 2 and year 3 for a maximum of $15,000 (pro-rated if hired to a part time position).
To receive the Grant, you commit to a return of service of a minimum of three (3) years in a regular, temporary or relief position in the community. The commitment is not inclusive of any extended leave time (i.e. Maternity Leave, WCB, Education Leave etc.)
Fraser Health guarantees regular employment for employees in good standing for a period of three years in the community listed above.
Some other conditions may apply. Contact us at recruitment@fraserhealth.ca to discuss opportunities at Fraser Canyon Hospital and to learn more about financial incentives available to you.
Together, we are building the future of health care.

Fraser Health is generously supported by a network of health care foundations. Donations to our health care foundations build upon government health care funding to help support priority equipment, education, research, facility enhancements and/or other projects in our hospitals and surrounding communities.
Ready to make a difference?
Join our dedicated team of health professionals in Hope.
Are you currently a Fraser Health employee? Browse and apply for jobs on the internal job portal.
Dietitian, Home Health/Primary and Community Care/Urgent Primary Care Centre
Our staff and medical staff share their experience.
See what the team has to say about their experience working and/or living in the Fraser Health region