Keith, Health Care Assistant | Staff Feature


Health Care Assistant Long-term Care

Relief Care Team
General and Clinical Support> Health Care Assistant> Long-Term Care
this story

“Being adaptable and the continuous learning I get [in my role], are what I love most about my career in health care.

I have learned to be more patient and understanding. I’m able to apply this learning not only at work, but at home, too. I have also learned how to be adaptable. Due to the nature of my work, it is important that I am able to adapt quickly to different environments and establish rapport with my clients and staff, while maintaining a high level of efficiency and quality of care.”

“If you’re considering a career in health care, definitely come and work with Fraser Health! I have learned there are many opportunities for career advancement within the organization, not only in personal development, but into other roles including leadership, too!

Outside of work, I like to drive to unwind and de-stress. I go to places I like, and to places I have never been before together with my wife. One of the drives we enjoy doing is to downtown Vancouver on a weekday night where there isn’t a lot of traffic, and all the beautiful city lights are on!”

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